## Annotation Overview
- Context
- A starting point: Open Annotation Data Model
- Some options for us
- Annotator.js
- Hypothes.is
- Other things to look at
- Challenges/questions that come to mind
## Context
*Some background*
- MIT faculty want Annotation for their courses; edx is not working on it (as far as we know)
- I have some recent experience with annotation for the classroom via [Annotation Studio](http://rslt.hofstradrc.org/public/rslt-casey-v-secretary-of-health-and-human-services)
- Lots of other groups are working on annotation for education, publishing, comments, social
## Open Annotation Data Model
*Offers a fairly complete definition of Annotation*
- [Motivations](http://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/#motivations)
- [Simple Example](http://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/#introduction)
- [Complete Example](http://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/#complete-example)
## Obvious options for us
*Some existing tools we might build on/with*
- Annotator (stable is 1.2.x; edge is 2.0)
- Hypothes.is
- Something else?
## [Annotator.js](http://annotatorjs.org/)
*Text now, embeddable, plugin API, open source, in active development*
- Wide adoption, real community of developers
- Few dependencies, good tests
- Highly customizable/extensible: it's a tool kit, with a plugin API, and some sane defaults
- Version 2.0 is Alpha: no one's day job
- Supports, or will support Open Annotation Data Model (W3C)
## [Hypothes.is](http://hypothes.is/)
*Text and PDF now, embeddable, chrome plugin, open source, in active development*
- Angular application with a Python backend
- Good feature set out of the box: threading, identity, storage
- Good tests
- Serious engineering team (day jobs); might collaborate with us
- Somewhat extensible, customizable
- Supports, or will support Open Annotation Data Model (W3C)
## Other things to look at
*At least for UX ideas.*
- [NB](http://nb.mit.edu/): comments on images, open source, education, django, not readily embeddable
- [Genius](http://genius.com/): web comments on text, for-profit, venture-funded, aggressive, rap-centric
- [Point](http://www.getpoint.co/): web comments on text, chrome plugin/service
- [Medium](https://medium.com/@dianakimball/close-at-hand-b4331294160d): web comments on text
- [Quartz](http://qz.com/480741/t/268040): web comments on text
- [Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DBfU2F9rM180pz9BI0gGitYP1ZdSUtY_-Nv2mrlk_vE/edit): document comments on text
## Some Challenges
- Front end MVP *(highlights, comments, public/private, groups, sidebar, filtering?)*
- Storage MVP *(support for MVP features, extensible for later features)*
- Other target media types *(PDF, Image, Video, Audio, Other?)*
- Other body media types *(Same)*
- Other features *(user groups, search/filter/sort/collect, export, visualize, real-time)*
- Other applications *(writing, discussion, peer review, grading, in-class discussion, flipped classroom)*
- Interop with other systems *(via OA?)*
## Resources
- [Video plugin](http://www.openvideoannotation.org/)
- [edx annotation tool](http://www.equtek.com/clients/edX/annotation_beta/index.php)
- [Annotation xmodules in edx-platform](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/blob/master/common/lib/xmodule/setup.py#L35-L38)